Tuesday 20 March 2012

The 1950s Contextual Studies

As part of this brief we also have to show a detailed analysis of changes in design. Our studies should reflect and illustrate the changes within that era, socially, in fashion, home life, design etc.
I have chosen the 1950s as this was the one of the strongest periods in Elizabeth Taylors career.

Society 1950s
News and Events

The rock and roll era begins. Performers like Elvis Presley change the face of popular music. He creates a scandal and helps create the image of the rebellious teenager

The teenager is created. The young start to show an avid interest in clothes and self image. They have disposable income and want to look as different to their parents as possible.

Teddy boys are sighted in London's east end. They are regarded by many as dangerously anti-social, especially in the conformist climate of mid 50s Britain.

After years of austerity during WWII, the Festival of Britain opens in the summer of 1951. it is organised by the government to promote a feeling of Britains recovery now the war is over. It is used to promote the British contribution to science, technology, industrial design, architecture and the arts.

The festivals showpiece is at the London Southbank. Other celebrations take place in other parts of London and up and down the country.

Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II

The start of the McCarthy senate hearings in the USA. Fears that communists were infiltrating the USA and 'attempting to undermine the American way of life'*A smear campaign is started is started by Joseph McCarthy and a witch hunt begins Many peoples lives will be ruined by the televised hearings.

Mount Everest is scaled for the first time

TV starts to become very popular in the UK. One in every 24 people in the UK have a TV set. American TV shows start to be shown on British television. Bringing with them even more cultural influences from over the pond

James Dean dies in a road accident

Civil rights movement begins in the USA

Suez Canal Crisis

Elvis has an international hit with 'Heartbreak Hotel'

Demonstrations in Little Rock, Arkansas US. The civil guard are used to help black students enter an illegally segregated school in the south of America.
Many major scientific breakthroughs and discoveries are made in the fifties. There is the notion that science can control nature, especially after the major discovery of DNA.
The first satellite is sent into space, starting the space race between the Soviets and the US.
Computers are mass produced for the first time

Marilyn Monroe marries playwright Arthur Miller
Elvis is drafted into the army.

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