Tuesday 15 October 2013

Final Collection - The Gilded Cage Hat


The Gilded Cage Hat

Brief and Aims
To design and make a hat or bonnet with an exaggerated brim: using extra long feathers. The hat would be another extreme form of head dress. It would juxtapose the usually soft look of bridal head wear and give a sharp edged look to the hat. Bird like when worn I wanted it to create a strange sense of tension

Research for Final Collection
This hat was originally designed with the aim of making it with extra long white feathers. However after much searching I could not find any feathers that would suit. Anything close to the size I imagined was extremely expensive too.  It was then that I thought back to an hats that I had made in the first year of my course; using paper as the main material.

Design and Make
Initially I designed the hat to be a bonnet, with a crown and the extended front.  After consideration this was changed to a soft bandeau style head band that could be tied under the chin, much like a historical bonnet. I made samples of feathers in paper, playing with scale, length, colour and cutting styles. I found that I could create any size feather I wanted, small rounded shapes and long thin sharp ones. This made the possibilities pretty endless. Using the wire up the spine also helped with manipulation and strength. All feathers were hand sewn and stitched by hand to the head band

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