Thursday 18 April 2013

Recycling project - Trousseau Hat Part 3

Well I finally finished my recycling hat. I had talked before about the trousseau hat, made from ceramics and other 'bottom drawer' favourites.  I completed the hat and it is now securely displayed in the Hatworks museum in Stockport.  The exhibition is called 'Redesigning Fashion' and features the work of lots of great milliners. Using recycled and found materials, upcycled and reused.
I have to say I was happy with the techniques and materials I used and want to revisit them for my final collection.. What I did find was that the hat was way too big.  The ceramics and silverware made the hat very heavy and slightly out of balance.  Also I found that the ceramic pieces started to fall off.  I have reviewed these problems and have decided how I will approach these differently for my next attempt.

buckram base

donated lace to cover base
base covered with lace


chipped plate donated from mums favourite china collection
the fun bit, breaking the china!

cutlery sourced from charity shop

lace pieces pressed into air dry clay to create my own pieces of ceramic

pieces being laid out

my ceramic pieces being added to the hat

creating an extra stong headband

Firing the cutlery to make it malleable

Ready to go in the cold bucket

blackened cutlery, ready to be rubbed down

soldering rods

soldering trims together

playing with the 'trims'

finished hat on the lovely Jemima

Poster for exhibition . Make up by Nina Walker

Postcards from the exhibition

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