Tuesday 9 October 2012

Research new term

Well I have started back for my second and final year at college. As it's our final year our briefs all feed into our final collection, next summer. The first brief is a research project. It's aim is to try to help us understand the process of research and the ways of collating that research. Through various means, sketch books, critical diaries, drawing, photography, mood boards, mind maps. The list is seemingly endless.
So where to start. Well, I have a tiny idea of what my final collection could be, tucked away at the back of my mind. I am keeping it there for now,so as not to close myself down to other ideas that will probably creep in!
Along the way we will practice and produce other techniques and designs. The idea being that these also feed our final collection. These will take the form of shorter projects, taken up across the year.

So here goes....

Week one:

Research will take the form of two types, prelimanary and secondary. Prelimanry research can be photos, drawings 2d and 3d.Practical exploration and experimentation . Information and data research. Technique sampling
Secondary research, books, magazines, internet, trade reports, trend forecasts, films,blogs,shops, museums etc..

My first step was to start with a mind map . Writing down any word, phrase or idea that came to mind. Really a word association technique. I have a very loose idea that I would like to produce a collection based around weddings. I already make wedding accessories and have a real interest in the history and symbolism behind weddings and bridal wear. I am leaving the research quite loose at the moment so as not to box myself in with certain ideas and images.
Mind Map

 The next step was to take this list and create a concept map. This is a collation of those words and use them to create a map for your research. Taking each word and creating further concepts and research directions around it.

On from this I can then create a research plan. This helps a great deal with the ways to find and research your ideas and concepts

I also tried a new concept to me. The reverse mind map. Taking words that as inspiration and linking them in reverse to create a single word. This was fairly successful, but I feel I should have done it first. My mind already had too many words and preconceived ideas in their and it did'nt flow that naturally. I think it would work brilliantly from fresh, working quickly and openly with a new project. Or maybe it is something I will try again further into the project and see where it takes me!
Now I ahve done this it also give sme an idea of what my collection might be. I then tried out a exercise to create a concept for my collection. This entailed me decideing on the following

This is what I have so far. I guess it may change over time.
 So thats it for now. I will revisit these lists many times over the coming year, and I fully expect my ideas and expectations to change. So we will see.

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